From Our Readers
Winter 2018

Congratulations to the editorial staff of our University magazine on producing a first-class product. I have a graduate degree from [Cal State LA], but my undergraduate studies were accomplished at a private
university on the East Coast (Fairfield University). Earlier in my life, I was the assistant to the dean of Kenyon College
in Ohio. Both private institutions of higher education have had high quality magazines for their alumni for many years. I’ve been receiving magazines regularly from all
three institutions of higher education.
I always have felt Cal State LA Today did not meet the standards set by the other two schools, but today I can say unequivocally California State University, Los Angeles Magazine not only matches their high quality, but has set new standards for others to aspire to achieve. I enjoyed reading the entire Spring 2017 edition. I felt compelled to share my enthusiasm with the editorial staff.
Our University magazine is the public face of the quality of our institution. This edition makes me proud to be an alumnus. Please keep up your excellence.
Jim Lombard
M.B.A. ’76
We want to hear from you.
Email your thoughts and feedback to the editor.
Not all correspondence will be published. We reserve the right to edit submissions for style, length and clarity.
I was very happy to receive the magazine
recently. I read it immediately and especially enjoyed the article about
[alumnus artist Kent Twitchell].
Keep up the good work!
Keith Speaks
M.A. ’78, Latin American Studies
Got my copy of California State University, Los Angeles Magazine over the weekend. A really great job. You should be very proud!
Raphael J. Sonenshein
Executive Director, Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs
Cal State LA
I received the latest issue/edition of the Cal State LA magazine over the weekend and was very impressed! It is really great looking, image and content. Great work!
Richard Maddox
Director, Early Entrance Program
Cal State LA
I’m very impressed. This is the first issue of the magazine I’ve seen. I had no idea we published something like this. Very well done. Congratulations.
Russ Abbott
Professor of Computer Science
Cal State LA
What a delight to receive the California
State University, Los Angeles Magazine [Spring 2017] a few days ago in my office. The presentation was befitting of a top national and international university, and it is good to be on the mailing list once again. How proud we can be with so much progress and advancement in an institution of inclusion moving students upward bound. This is a shock to me coming from the ivy halls of the Los Angeles City College in 1954, which were left over from the University of California Southern Branch, and before that from the Los Angeles Normal School. This magazine will be in the “library” with the avalanche of publications from Pepperdine, USC, Antioch, and what is now Cleveland
University-Kansas City.
Special congratulations to the editors
and the forward thinking of those leading
the University.
With every blessing,
Edwin D Follick
Social Science B.S. ’56, Education M.A. ’61
This morning, I came across the
“Power Up” article from the [California State University, Los Angeles Magazine]. The article hit close to home as I am the son of Oaxacan immigrants. If you keep in touch with Mr. Nye, please thank him for me. I have always wanted to give back in some form and this article has motivated me to do more. Also, I really enjoyed [graphic designer Nery Orellana’s] illustrations!
Omar Vargas
Business Administration, Management and
Operations ’13
I recently received your Spring 2017
edition of the California State University, Los Angeles Magazine (my first) and
thoroughly enjoyed it. As a longtime alum I had lost track of how the University has grown and what has been accomplished. Your quality magazine is a wonderful
way of raising the awareness of our great institution.
Kudos for a job well done.
Ron Byrd
Electrical Engineering B.S. ’64