From Our Readers
Fall 2019

Compliments on the very, very impressive Cal State LA publication you edited. Everything about the magazine speaks to the excitement of social transformation that is at the heart of the University and its mission. And so classily! I and several of my emeriti colleagues noted that when it arrived in the mail we first thought it might be some kind of downtown business promotion and then realized with pride that it was about our University. Thanks to efforts such as yours, the cliché that Cal State LA is “the best kept secret in Los Angeles” is being laid to rest. Congratulations on your first-rate work.
John L. Cleman
Professor Emeritus, Department of English
Cal State LA
We want to hear from you.
Email your thoughts and feedback to the editor.
Not all correspondence will be published. We reserve the right to edit submissions for style, length and clarity.
Congratulations on the absolutely gorgeous magazine, which befits our amazing University!
Lauri Scheyer
Director, Center for Contemporary Poetry and Poetics,
and Professor Department of English
Cal State LA
My granddaughter Annie Ziegler attended graduate school at Cal State LA. Your magazine is so inspiring (and beautiful) that I would like to request that you send her a copy of the Winter 2018 edition and also add her to your mailing list.
Anne Marie Novinger
B.A. ’69, ’77 M.A.
Nancy Hunt
Professor Emerita, Division of Special Education and Counseling
Cal State LA
Great magazine! Thank you.
Michelle Reese Kirschenbaum
Mandla Kayise
CEO & President, New World Education