“Our goal for We Are LA: The Campaign for Cal State LA is … $75 million,” he said. As he spoke, a sea of gold and black streamers cascaded downward and into the audience. And with that, the public phase of the first capital campaign in the history of Cal State LA officially began. The end of the campaign will coincide with the University’s 75th anniversary in 2022.

Photo: Cal State LA graduates donning caps and gowns before Commencement. (Photo by Anibal Ortiz)
The campaign is more than a fundraising event, Covino explained. It has become a catalyst for an exploration of the University’s relationship with Los Angeles.
Since that day in 2018, faculty, students, staff and supporters have answered the call. The campaign has reached more than $61 million so far and is going strong. Some have given to support students who are determined to make a difference for themselves, their families and their communities.
Gail Washington, director for Cal State LA’s Patricia A. Chin School of Nursing, understands that many Cal State LA nursing students are pursuing their education while working full time or taking care of families. They benefit greatly from the scholarships that gifts to the nursing school provide. That assistance helps prepare them to excel as nurses, allowing them to stay focused on their studies, gain access to high-end facilities, and even study abroad.
“We serve a student population that will greatly benefit from these contributions, and will take their knowledge back to their communities and beyond,” Washington said.

Photo (left and top): Dean Tye Jackson of the College of Business and Economics speaks with students. (Photo by J. Emilio Flores)
Photo (right and bottom): Nursing students learn in the Nursing Simulation Lab. (Photo by J. Emilio Flores)
“If you are in the position and you have the ability to help other people or to give back, education is one of the best places to do that—especially at an institution that has been proven to be such a huge contributor to upward mobility,” Harwood said. “I love Los Angeles, and I think a university like Cal State LA contributes tremendously to the city.”
Vice President for University Advancement Janet S. Dial said the campaign is succeeding because supporters recognize the invaluable role Cal State LA plays in the lives of students and communities.
“The wonderful support we’ve received from alumni, faculty, emeriti faculty, staff, students and friends says it all,” Dial said. “Their gifts express gratitude and appreciation for all that our University does. These gifts will allow us to continue to change lives.”
It’s not a coincidence that the number one university for upward mobility is located in the heart of Los Angeles—a place that symbolizes change more than any other, Covino said.
“With the campaign that we launch tonight, we recognize Cal State LA’s starring role on the stage that is Los Angeles,” Covino said during his address, which was the centerpiece of the campaign launch in April 2018. “We are the protagonists, driving the action, forward momentum and progress.”
The campaign is more than a fundraising event. It has become a catalyst for an exploration of the University’s relationship with Los Angeles. It is an affirmation of the University’s commitment to transforming the lives of students and communities.
“Cal State LA students represent the future of this great metropolis. When Cal State LA students climb the ladder of success, Los Angeles climbs,” Covino said. “When Cal State LA students graduate, prepared to serve and to lead, Los Angeles reaps the benefits. When the University collaborates with community partners, Los Angeles is energized. Cal State LA transforms people and places.”
“To give to Cal State LA is to give to the best of Los Angeles,” he said.